191-13 Yamada, Kutchan Town

Located in central Hirafu, Explore Niseko is the only booking and information centre in Niseko. Locally owned and managed means access to the best information and deals on more than 100 activities and services.

Iwanai Resort

〒045-0024 Hokkaidō, Iwanai-gun, Iwanai-chō, Aza-Nozuka 350

On a lost coastal corner abutting the Sea of Japan, beautiful Iwanai rises 1086m above the bay. Just 40 minutes from Niseko but far from the noise and lines, Iwanai is the Hidden Hokkaido. Ski the entire day in untracked powder with oceanfront views. A place so beautiful, you'll get the experience of a lifetime.

Niseko Weiss Powder CAT 滑雪

0136-21-6688Website〒044-0082, 328-36 Aza-Iwaobetsu, Kutchan-cho, Abuta-Gun, Hokkaido 044-0082 Japan 如果您正在為您和您的朋友尋找新鮮的賽道和山峰,新雪谷 Weiss Powder Cats 就是您的答案!它在我們自己的私人山上提供貓協助的滑雪和單板滑雪冒險活動。每天最多接待 12 位客人,保證一排又一排新鮮的軌道,無需排隊搭乘電梯或健行。在新雪谷花園柏悅酒店欣賞壯麗的景色並享用特別準備的午餐。


155-1, Tachikawa, Rankoshi, Isoya-gun, 048-1303

Be guided around by one of Hokkaido’s number one skiers. Par knows Niseko and surroundings better than anyone, and is one of the most requested guides in Niseko. If you want to make sure to have a taste of the real Japan powder, make sure to get Par or one of his crew to show you, your family and friends around.

Rising Sun CAT`s

+81 80 2866 9794Website315-215 Niseko, Niseko-cho, Abuta-gun, Hokkaido

與我們一起在北海道的 Shiribeshi 山脈享受 CAT 滑雪/登機的史詩般的一天。 Rising Sun CAT`s 距離新雪谷 30 分鐘路程,為高級滑雪者和單板滑雪者提供通往偏遠偏遠滑雪場的通道。我們每天提供 2 趟 CAT,每趟最多可容納 6 位客人,是北海道業者中客人與導遊比例最低的。包括門到門交通、午餐、雪崩安全套件、全程導遊滑雪日以及白天盡可能多的 CAT 顛簸(通常為 8 次滑雪)。