
日時 8月26日(土曜)、27(日)

場所 ニセコ町中央倉庫群第1倉庫

時間10:00am -4:00pm


 つきましては本イベントの開催趣旨にご賛同いただける企業・団体もしくは個人の方を募集しております。今後の町の一層の活性化、未来を担う子供達への環境づくりの一助としご協力を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。 (協賛募集締め切り8月10日)
 <協賛・イベントのお問い合わせ> :ニセコキッズフェスティバル実行委員会
 子育てママの会 高井裕子 090−9527−9668   niseko-kids@pirka-niseco.com

Niseko Kids Festival is a two-day event being run by Niseko-cho volunteer parents and Niseko Town. There will be a range of activity equipment such as blow-up jumping mats, plastic inflatable tumblers, and 200 big foam play blocks. There will also be toys and activities for smaller kids in an indoor area so it will be suitable for all ages.

Niseko needs an all-weather play area where parents can go to take the pressure off parenting, and let their kids be kids – outside their own homes and in any weather.

Niseko Kids Festival is a test event that will lead to the establishment of a dedicated, year-round play area somewhere in Niseko in the near future. This will be great for Niseko kids, bring relief and enjoyment for Niseko parents, and could become another tourism attraction for visiting families.

We would like to ask your company for a small donation to cover the cost of the event. It will cost a total of ¥410,000 to ship the play equipment from Tokyo, set it up and hire the venue. Please help us make Niseko a funner place for kids, easier for parents, and boost Niseko tourism!


We will be informing you total amount of donation with thank you letter which will be enclosed in Niseko Town public relations magazine.

Donations are due by 10 August.


Contact and inquiries

Organizers: Organized by Niseko-cho parents.

Email niseko-kids@pirka-niseco.com

